Can I wear ankle boots to a job interview?

Ankle boots look amazing! They can look fantastic with a professional outfit and can be worn when going for a job interview. That being said the goal for a job interview is to make a great first impression. When putting your outfit together it should look professional. For a banking or investment job, it’s definitely…

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Business Casual for Women

Business casual attire for women continues to pose a challenge for many women that are serious about climbing the corporate ladder. “Casual” implies laid back or not serious. However an office environment means business. it is important to choose your business casual clothes carefully.

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What is the correct dress for a job interview?

What is the correct dress for a job interview? I am a 47 year old mother who is just getting back into the working world. Today the workplace is much more casual than 3 or 5 years ago. However it is best to dress conservatively for most job interviews. What you wear to a job…

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Can you wear open toe shoes to a job interview?

Open toe shoes use to be a no, no for a job interview or work however fashion rules are practically non-existent these days.  Open toe shoes and strappy sandals are worn these days during hot weather, when going for a job interview. Closed toe shoes may be a preferred option if you are going for…

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Is it out of style to wear a black pinstripe pant suit?

Is it out of style to wear a black pinstripe pant suit? The pants have a cuff .. trying to get ready for an interview. A black pinstripe pant suit should be very professional looking and “in style” for a corporate job interview. Be sure it fits you perfectly and flatters your figure type. If…

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How to Dress for a Successful Job Interview

The job market at the moment is VERY competitive. I know…I am one of the competitors! Much of what goes into looking for a job is important. Your resume has to look good to get you in the door. Most people are so excited when an interview comes around that often what to wear to the job interview becomes more of an issue than it used to be. Believe it or not what you wear is a bigger part of a great first impression than you imagine. Good first impressions are so important!!

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How to Dress For a Job Interview

If you have a job interview with a conservative company like a law firm, bank, etc. dark colors like navy, black and gray convey competence. The proper business attire is a simple dress and jacket or suit in one of these dark colors for this type of interview.

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