Posh PJ’S the New Trend

Posh PJ'S the New TrendPssh PJ’s


Posh P’J’s and nightwear were not an integral part of most women’s wardrobes prior to Covid-19. Once fashion divas locked down pajamas, pajama sets, dressing gowns, and elegant robes became wardrobe staples. Not leaving home in fashionable outfits there was no need to buy more. The rationale being that not buying a lot of street clothes made high-end loungewear an affordable luxury for the modern fashionista. Plus women are wanting to be more stylish at home.


Designers have delivered posh PJ’S with hand-rolled, self-piping, turn-back cuffs, lapel, and collars plus fancier nightwear in luxurious fabrics such as velvets, silks, and cashmere. Luxe detailing, embroidery, monograms, embellishments, prints, and bright colors are more options when making your selections.



If you are not ready to venture out in your compfy, sumptuous and sensual nightwear yet,  after Covid-19 you can style your posh PJ top with jeans, leggings, shorts, or other bottoms. PJ tops will work for beach coverups or knot your PJ top just above your waist. A satin or cashmere robe will work as a coverup when going out on the town. Have fun mixing and matching your new investment jammies with jeans, jewelry, and blazers making a fashion statement out of your nightwear is an up-and-coming trend.