Should plus-size women layer their fashions?

Should plus-size women layer their fashions?Plus-size women should avoid layering their clothes. Layering does not hide weight it just adds bulk that causes you to look heavier. Also if you are plus size forget about wearing big prints, patterns, and plaids or mixing and matching them.  Bright color clothing and different textures will also call attention to size.

The right undergarments/shapewear and simple style classic clothing, in one dark color, look flattering on plus-size gals. Add trendy accessories for style and draw attention upward to your head area with statement earrings, color or detail around the neckline. and flattering makeup.


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Health Care Basics
Good health care involves not only good nutrition and physical activity but leading a healthy lifestyle and of course, great family genes helps. Leading a healthy lifestyle means getting enough rest and drinking in moderation (or not at all) and avoiding drugs like nicotine, etc.

Achieving New Year’s Weight Loss Goals
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