Would navy shoes look OK with a purple & white polka dot dress?

Would navy shoes look OK with a purple & white polka dot dress?There are better shoe color choices than navy blue to wear with a purple & white polka dot dress. Black patent leather shoes would look chic with a purple polka dot dress. Other good choices would be white or neutral / nude color shoes. Experiment and do a mirror test with your shoes and dress to see what looks most flattering on you. A purple and white polka dot dress sounds soooo classic!

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Footwear Basics
Shoes can make or break an ensemble. In addition to choosing the right style and fit, caring for your feet and your budget are also essential considerations. Shoes are an investment therefore buy the best you can afford.

Shoes Every Woman Must Own
Shoes have tremendous transformative power. They can make or break your look, and along with that your mood. But too many of them require you to be too careful when you have them on. While the diversity in the shoe department is like a gift from God, it also makes us lose sight of which are the must-haves and which are simply there because they look good but don’t necessarily do anything for you.