Ways to Layer Necklaces

Ways to Layer NecklacesWays to Layer Necklaces

There are limitless ways to layer necklaces. You can pile them on with wild abandon or go for a more minimalist, feminine look. Combining metal chains with pearls, lots of different colors together, chokers with chains, pendants and beads or chunky with delicate are all different ways to layer your necklaces.

Ways to Layer Necklaces Ways to Layer Necklaces Ways to Layer Necklaces

Styling metal (gold & silver) necklaces sends a more elegant and / or classic look to an outfit. Styling an outfit with colored beads and metal is fun when you want to pick up a color in your outfit or add some zing to a colored top. Color necklaces with colored tops are another option that adds personal style to your outfit. Or why not layer pearl necklaces?

Ways to Layer Necklaces Ways to Layer Necklaces Ways to Layer Necklaces

When layering necklaces wear at least three at a time. Odd numbers are more stylish. Mix lengths starting with the shortest, the next one can be one or two inches longer and a third two or three inches longer than the second. The longest necklace can have a heavier piece like a pendant. Luckily there are no hard and fast rules when layering necklace’s so experiment until you get the Look you want!

Is costume jewelry a good investment?
Costume jewelry, bijoux fantaisies in French, is affordable jewelry that can complete an outfit. It is designed for wearing with current fashions and usually made of inexpensive materials. Today modern costume jewelry incorporates a wide range of materials allowing designers to create jewelry that is unique and beautiful most of which will probably not be a good investment but make very stylish accessories.