Colored Diamond Engagement Rings

Modern, younger brides find colored diamonds an alternative for bridal jewelry. Diamonds symbolize true love and colored engagement rings stand out from the crowd and express individuality.
Colored diamonds are prized for their uniqueness, rarity, and ability to captivate with their vibrant hues. So, while clear diamonds remain classic, don’t underestimate the allure and value of their colorful counterparts!
The rarest diamond colors are pink, blue, red and green and fetch high prices. However yellow diamonds are most popular for engagement rings after white. Some clear/white diamonds are paired with small colored diamond accents.
Some brides choose a colored gemstone thought to have a specific meaning. For example, pink rose quartz is the symbol of love, thought to draw romance into your life. A yellow gemstone symbolizes good luck, prosperity, wealth, and protection. Clusters of gemstones can have calming effects.
Colored lab diamonds are provide an ethical and more affordable, attractive option for couples who want something beautiful without breaking the bank.
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