What are capri pants?

What are capri pants?Capri pants are calf length, tapered/slim pants, fitted at the calf. They can hit mid-calf or the lower calf area, the most flattering length is the thinnest part of the calf. They are very popular in the spring and summer. The name of the pants is derived from the Italian isle of Capri, where they became very popular. Accessories and shoes determine if they are casual chic or dressy.Wear capri pants with flip flops or sneakers for casual activites. Capri pants in luxurious fabrics and /or heels give divas a dressed up look. Neutral color capri pants look fantastic with bold color tops. If you wear bright color capris wear white or pastel color tops.


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Is it appropriate to wear dressy capris to a wedding? 
Capi pants come to the mid calf of your leg and are considered a casual style pant. Dressy Capris suggest that they are made from a dressy fabric, silk or satin, etc. If you can pair your pants with a stylish top and accessories, a pair of stylish shoes, and a good-looking pashmina shawl or jacket, Capri pants can be appropriate for a late afternoon May wedding. Today fashion rules are less rigid. Weddings are festive occasions to dress up. If  your outfit looks dressy and flattering on you it should work. However you need to feel confident and comfortable wearing your Capri pants outfit to have a good time.

What style of walking shoes will look good with capri & ankle pants?
Comfortable walking shoes are shoes that fit you well and that you can walk in for a long time or as long as needed. Flats, sandals and “Mary Janes” are styles that look good with both ankle pants or Capris. Check out your favorite shoe brands for these styles. It is a good idea to bring several pairs of walking shoes on your trip and alternate wearing. Be sure to test drive your walking shoes before you leave. Munro, Merrell, Rockport and Ecco are some brands that make good walking shoes.