Can I still wear white pants after Labor Day?

Can I still wear white pants after Labor Day?You can still wear white pants after Labor Day. White pants look chic every season of the year. They can be dressed up or down depending on the accessories you choose to wear with them. The color white is pure and simple and goes with all other colors or can be worn with white.  Contrasting neutrals look fabulous with white pants. Pair white pants with black, gray, tan, or brown for a sophisticated look. If you want a more feminine look pair your white pants with pale colors. Bold colors will add a POP to any outfit and offer more options. White clothing, “winter white”, is very popular after Labor Day. The only time you cannot wear white is if you are a wedding guest.

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What Message Are You Sending By The Colors You Wear?
Believe it or not what colors you are wearing can describe how you are feeling and what type of person you are. If you are wearing red or yellow you will be noticed fairly quickly. These colors are  good “attention getters.” You are probably an outgoing, confident, and warm person with high self-esteem.

Winter White – A Show Stopper
Winter white is a show stopper this Fall! The “Little White Dress” (LWD), white pants and skirts are hot trends that are showing up for fall 2013 in a variety of fabrics and styles.


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