What is the birthstone for February?

What is the birthstone for February?Amethyst

Amethyst is the birthstone for February and the sixth wedding anniversary gemstone. Some accounts say that Saint Valentine had an amethyst ring carved with an image of Cupid. Amethyst jewelry has been around since 2000BC. Before the discovery of abundant supplies of amethyst, it was considered one of the most precious gemstones and was favored by royalty. Amethyst is a type of quartz and is found in Africa, South America, and Brazil plus in the United States in Arizona.

Amethysts are available in a variety of cuts and carat weights. They come in a range of colors from deep purple to pale shades of pastel lavender and pink. The most valuable hue is a strong reddish-purple shade. Most amethysts have excellent clarity, with few if any inclusions visible.

Amethysts symbolize personal empowerment,  inner strength, peace, balance, poise, humility, modesty, and courage. It is believed by some to enhance intelligence,  protect against evil thoughts, keep its wearer clear-headed and clever. In addition, many think amethysts have the ability to cure insomnia, relieve pain and enhance meditation.



Amethyst complements both warm and cool colors and is perfect with white or yellow gold. Lavender hues look particularly stunning in amethyst engagement rings when complemented by diamond accents. Clean amethyst jewelry with a soft brush and mild soap. Click here if you are shopping for jewelry and you want a buyers guide .


What to wear with amethyst jewelry? Different shades of blue and neutrals complement purple. You can wear red with a complementary shade of purple. Mix your light purple jewels with deep purple clothes and bold purple jewelry with pale shades of lavender and pink colors.


What is lab-created amethyst? Lab amethyst has been around since the 1970s and is very difficult to distinguish natural from synthetic amethyst. Lab stones have the same chemical and physical properties as natural stones.