What is the birthstone for August?

Believed to Have Healing Energies!

The primary birthstone for August is the peridot. It has a gem-quality due to olivine and a silicate mineral. Its yellowish green color is dependent on the iron contents within the structure of the gem.

Most of the stones with the finest color come from Myanmar and Pakistan.  In the US today the principal source of peridot olivine is the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in Arizona. It is also mined at another location in Arizona, in other states and countries.
The Egyptians first discovered a small supply of peridots on the island of Zabargad. They immediately loved the gorgeous gems and expanded mining operations in the area. Soon the apprecation of peridots spread to the other major civilizations of Greece and Rome, usually worn by the wealthy nobles.
Some qualities and meanings associated with the peridot gemstones’ green color are purity, peace, good luck, healing energies, renewal, nature, energy, growth, harmony, freshness, safety, fertility and youth. The gems were thought to attract wealth and power for their wearers and also to ward off nightmares and jealous thoughts.

Peridots are perfect for any jewelry collection whether you are a Leo or not. They are especially flattering on divas with red or dark hair.

What to wear with peridot gems? Pastel color clothes look fabulous with peridot gemstones. Also peridot jewelry looks especially beautiful with classic black and white ensembles.