What is the biggest fall fashion trend in 2019?

What is the biggest fall fashion trend in 2019?The biggest fall fashion trend in 2019 is leopard print fashion. Animal prints have been embraced by all but leopard prints are classic, versatile and the most popular. Everyone young or old, short or tall and / or fat or skinny can find something in leopard print to wear this fall and be in fashion. If you can’t go for a total leopard look try accessorizing with a scarf, handbag or shoes in leopard print. All you see in NYC are leopard print fashions.



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Can lace and animal prints be worn together?
Lace with animal prints is a great way to be “in style” by breaking a fashion rule. It seems like a long time ago that you would never have thought of wearing an animal print with lace. Fast forward to 2018 when the hottest fashion trend is to break a fashion rule. Designers have combined lace with some designs in dresses and skirts. An animal print skirt or pants with a black lace top would be very au courant. Animal print shoes and purses can be paired with lace for a chic fashion Look . Yes you can pair lace with animal prints. Lace is very feminine and does not look chic in office attire.

What color accessories work with animal prints?

Animal prints continue to be strong and are one of this seasons top trends. They are so versatile and look great no matter what silhouette you are wearing (dresses, pants, skirts, tops, or jackets). Animal print clothing makes a statement. Keep your accessories simple. With animal prints solid color accessories always work. For example black looks great with all animal prints. When in doubt add a pair of black shoes and black bag and you are good to go. If you want to mix animal prints with other patterned clothing you might try accessories in one of the colors in the print. Keep your jewelry simple. Always experiment with your accessories to see how you look before venturing out.