What to pack for a 17 day trip to Ireland & Italy?
What to pack for a 17 day trip to Ireland & Italy? I will be city sightseeing and driving in Ireland for 12 days and then going to a casual wedding in Cinque Terre. The wedding festivities will be outdoors: rehearsal dinner at a beachside restaurant (beachside cocktail), reception at someone’s beachside villa (casual) and the wedding in the garden of a hotel (semi-formal, no heels).
Early September can be an ideal time of year to visit Ireland. Summer crowds have thinned out. Irish weather changes quickly and varies from city to city and can be rainy and cool so be prepared. Think layers. For this part of the trip wear comfortable pants with 4 or 5 tops that you can wash and dry easily. You can wash out nylon or viscose tops at night and wear then a few times. A couple of sweaters such as a cardigan and a pull over will work on those chilly days. Vary your outfits with scarves and fun jewelry. A light weight water-repellent jacket will work for day and evening. Be sure to have an umbrella. Wear walking shoes when you are traveling. Low heeled ankle boots would be great for sight-seeing and dinner and a pair of pumps (optional) for evening. Check the weather forecast for the places you are visiting before you pack.
Cinque Terre will be in the 80’s and 90’s so you won’t need to bring much for the 4 or 5 days you’ll be going to wedding festivities. For the beachside events light weight colorful cotton pants, bermuda shorts, summer shifts, and or maxi-dresses with low heeled sandals will work. For the wedding you can wear a cocktail style dress. Try to color coordinate your tops and sweaters with clothes that work with what you are bringing to Ireland. Sun screen, shades and a hat are essential.
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Try to bring as little as possible. The world has gone casual in a big way and nobody gets that dressed up. If you need something pick it up in one of the places you visit. It is always fun to bring home something new that will remind you of your travels.
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Travel Wardrobe Planning
Travel wardrobe planning is essential for an enjoyable trip. Determine how many days you will be traveling and what activities you’ll be doing. Separates can be mixed and matched easily and you can add variety with colorful scarves and a few pieces of costume jewelry. Dress codes are relaxed today. No need for a lot of dressy clothes unless you are going to a special event like a wedding, etc.