What is the January Birthstone?

The January birthstone, the garnet, is a semi-precious gemstone thought to be energizing. Natural garnets are dark red but they can be other colors such as orange, pink, green, black and honey brown. Since they are available in a number of colors prices will vary according to the size, color and condition of the stone. Some garnets can change color from blue to purple when exposed to different lighting.
These semi-precious stones are found in sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks. They are formed under extremely high temperatures and pressure like some other gemstones. Some of the countries garnets can be found in are: Africa, India, Brazil South America, Madagascar, Pakistan and the United States.
Qualities attributed to garnets are good health, wealth, happiness, trust, friendship and love. Garnets are often associated with life force, blood, heart and inner fire and positivity. Thought by some to restore balance, plus protect and strengthen.
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What are the November birthstones?
The November birthstones are Citrine and Topaz. Topaz’s most common natural color is a golden brown similar to that of the Citrine. Both November birthstones are thought to bring good fortune and make the wearer calmer.
What is October’s birthstone?
October’s birthstone and the 14th wedding anniversary stone is the opal. There are two broad classes of opal: precious and common according to the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Precious opal displays a play-of-color, common opal does not. Opals are not graded by the GIA.