What is the dress code when dining at a nice restaurant?

What is the dress code when dining at a nice restaurant? Now that we are beginning to venture out to restaurants. what is considered stylish and in good taste to wear?
Recently I discovered a dress code in a San Francisco restaurant, Hillstone. This dress code provides an excellent guideline when you are deciding what to wear to a nice restaurant.
Hillstone dress code: “To enhance the experience of all our guests we ask that you respect our dress code. We suggest collared shirts for gentlemen. We consider tank tops, overly provocative clothing, boldly logoed athletic attire, and flip-flops too informal for the dining experience we plan to provide. We do not allow gentlemen to wear hats in the dining room. Your comfort is our priority, however, we do not feel that overly casual attire is appropriate for dining in our restaurant.”
Hope this is helpful. If you know of any other restaurant dress codes, please let us know and we will share.
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