What can you wear to tree-trimming parties?

Tree-trimming parties are traditional holiday events and lots of fun. They are a great way to kick off the season, with family and friends, and get your tree decorated. Wear something “casual but festive” since you will be working at decorating the Christmas tree and maybe playing games afterward.
What does the dress code “casual but festive” mean? Casual indicates something comfortable because you will be moving around but festive means something glitzy such as sequins, bling, metallic etc.
Christmas color clothing is another idea for tree-trimming parties. Jeans, leggings, skinny pants, classic trousers or a skirt with something shiny or in a dressy fabric like velvet, cashmere, metallic, lace or sequins will work.
Check out the pictured outfits for ideas. If you are in doubt about what to wear to the tree-trimming party check with the hostess. Usually daytime parties are not as dressy as a gathering in the evening. Be prepared to take photos of the tree and friends and be photographed by other party-goers.

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