What are the November birthstones?

The November birthstones are Citrine and Topaz. Topaz’s most common natural color is a golden brown similar to that of the Citrine. Both November birthstones are thought to bring good fortune and make the wearer calmer.
Citrine is found in the Ural Mountains of Russia and in Madagascar. It is one of the most popular yellow gemstones. According to the GIA Citrine is rare in nature. In the days before modern gemology, its tusky, brown color caused it to be confused with topaz. Today, its attractive color, plus the durability and affordability it shares with most other quartzes, makes it the top-selling yellow-to-orange gem.
Some think Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity, success and raises self-esteem and self-confidence. In the contemporary market, It also commemorates the thirteenth anniversary.
Topaz is a semi-precious gemstone used to create jewelry or other embellishments. In its natural state, it is colorless, however, trace element impurities can make it blue, golden brown to yellow-orange. The most popular and valuable topaz color is blue.

Topaz is found in Brazil, the United States, Madagascar, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Zimbabwe Mexico, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Russia, and China.
Topaz is a hard gemstone, (diamonds are over 6 times harder than topaz! ) prone to chipping. Choose Topaz jewelry styles that will not be easily nicked.
Believed to be one of the gems used as a key to the entrance to the Holy City of New Jerusalem, to protect against enemies, make men more handsome and women infertile. Topaz is also believed to be a symbol of love and affection.
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What is September’s birthstone?
If you are a virgo you know sapphires are September’s birthstone. Most of us think of sapphires being blue but they can come in (“fancy colors”) yellow, black, white, pink, green, purple, grey, orange and brown. Some stones can color change, usually going from blue in daylight or fluorescent lighting to purple. Sapphires are found in Madagascar, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Australia.
What is October’s birthstone?
October’s birthstone and the 14th wedding anniversary stone is the opal. There are two broad classes of opal: precious and common according to the GIA (Gemological Institute of America). Precious opal displays a play-of-color, common opal does not. Opals are not graded by the GIA.
The Greeks believed opals provided the power of prophecy. Opals are thought by some to be protection from disease and symbols of loyalty, faith and hope.