How to wear bold geometric prints?

How to wear bold geometric prints?

When selecting bold geometric prints consider the proportion of the print in relation to your size. Large patterns can add weight to your figure. Anna Sui, the designer, is known for her beautiful prints. She suggests avoiding geometric prints in form-fitting pieces and choosing looser shift styles in dresses and blouses. She also feels that a dark background like navy or black makes geometric prints more flattering. Bold geometric prints might be easier to wear on top instead of on skirts or dresses.  When wearing print pants you can wear a dark top, like a tunic, that covers up your behind and hips. Other tips from Ms. Sui: Loud prints in pastels can seem louder and when mixing different prints they work best if they have the same color background. Tone down your makeup when wearing bold prints.

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Wearing Prints and Patterns
When choosing things to wear, we want to accentuate the positive. The first thing to think about when selecting prints or patterned clothing is the proportion or scale. Large prints will call attention to you and your size. Small women don’t look good in clothing with large prints or patterns. Large women are already noticeable and will just call attention to their size when wearing large prints or patterns. Scale the prints to your size and you’re “good to go.”

Edgy Style Mixing Prints
To mix prints takes even the most seasoned fashionista into dangerous trend waters. In the fashion world mixing prints and patterns was once a fashion don’t, but today it is a ragging fashion trend that continues to persist season after season. Mixing prints for work or play can be done tastefully, boldly, and artistically. So if you want to expand you fashion sense play around with prints, patterns, and textures. Here are some guidelines to follow when mixing prints.
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