Time To Get Healthy

Time to Get HealthyGet Healthy Lose Weight Naturally

Make a commitment to get healthy. Summer is here and we all know what that means— short sleeve blouses, shorts and bathing suits are not too far behind.  If your commitment to losing weight this year has not produced any results, then it’s time to forego the diet mentality.  It is time to make a decision that you will never diet again.  Instead, you will make a commitment to get healthy and focus your attention on being well.  By getting healthy, your body will shed fat, and you will lose weight naturally. By getting healthy, you take control. And don’t forget to check with your primary care physician before starting any new health plan.

How to get started:

1.     Throw away your scale.  Our weight fluctuates daily and constantly weighing ourselves only results in frustration and negativity.  Instead, monitor your weight lost by how your clothes fit.  Are those tight jeans feeling looser after a month?

2.    Never skip a meal.  That means eating breakfast, lunch and dinner.  If you feel hunger mid-morning and mid-afternoon, then add a snack.  A healthy snack might be a handful of almonds, an apple or celery with a tablespoon of peanut butter.  Make sure that your hunger pangs never get out of control.  Eat before you get ravenous.

3.    Always eat seated and at a table.  Turn off the radio and television. Focus on your food and savor every bite.  Stop eating before you feel stuffed. Remember it takes a while for your brain to catch up to your stomach.

4.    Clean out your kitchen.  Get rid of the refined sugar and white flour.

5.    Grocery shop with a list.  Plan your weekly menus before you shop and stick to your list.  This helps with impulse buying.

6.    Focus on eating whole grains, beans, organic vegetables and fruit.

7.    Eat wild fish a couple of time a week.

8.    Begin drinking herbal tea.  Wean yourself off caffeine.

9.    Walk daily.  Start with a 15 minute walk and increase it weekly.

10.    Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.  A recent study reported we tend to consume more calories if we don’t get enough sleep.

Fran Feabrams

Fran Feabrams
Guest Writer









