Does fashion matter?

Does fashion matter? It has a significant impact on various aspects of our lives. Fashion is a form of self-expression. The way we dress and style ourselves can convey our personality, values, and beliefs to the world. It allows us to communicate our identity, express our creativity, and boost our confidence. Many fashion brands and…

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What is upcycling?

Upcycling is refashionng old garments. Designers* are designing garments often from previously worn clothes and / or left over fabrics. Many of these clothes cost as much or more than used clothing. Making these garments can be labor intensive and time-consuming having the end result of being a one of a kind fashion justifying the…

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What is the difference in lab-grown diamonds & natural diamonds?

The biggest difference in lab-grown diamonds from natural diamonds is that they are environmentally friendly. Lab-grown diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds without harming the environment. They are produced using high-pressure or depositing layers of carbon on a diamond seed. Small lab-grown diamonds are preferred by jewelry designers because of their consistency of quality…

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