What color shoes do I wear with a royal blue dress and an orange belt?

Royal blue and orange are great colors together. Your royal blue dress with an orange belt projects youth and enthusiasm for life. Neutral color shoes with a matching neutral color bag will pull the outfit together and will look quite stylish.

Beige, black or gold metallic are neutral colors that would look good with a royal blue dress with an orange belt.

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Fashion Q&A

What Message Are You Sending By The Colors You Wear?
Believe it or not what colors you are wearing can describe how you are feeling and what type of person you are. If you are wearing red or yellow you will be noticed fairly quickly. These colors are  good “attention getters.” You are probably an outgoing, confident, and warm person with high self-esteem.

5 Ways To Stretch Your Clothing Dollars
We are always looking to save money and make the most of what we have. Here are 5 tips that will help you make your clothing dollars go further.

How To Wear Color and Look Great
Colored clothing is popular in all seasons. Bold, bright colors, give you a youthful and energetic look. Plus they will certainly cheer you up, and they will also attract attention to you.