What to wear to a restaurant Thanksgiving dinner?

A restaurant Thanksgiving dinner can be very festive. What you wear to a restaurant depends on the type of restaurant and what time of day you are going for dinner. Thanksgiving dinners at a restaurant held in the early afternoon are usually more casual than evening dinners. If you are going to a fancy restaurant or private club in the evening you can dress up. A little black dress, colorful sheath, separates in dressy fabrics or a wardrobe classic with a piece of statement jewelry are all perfect. If you are going to casual a restaurant you can wear casual clothes such as dark jeans and a shirt style blouse, pants and sweater or a casual dress with tights will look stylish.
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Dress Codes
It is almost always exciting and fun when a party invitation arrives. However sooner or later we have to start to think about what we will wear. When types of “dress codes” are indicated such as “Smart Casual”, “Cocktail Party attire,” “Tailgate Party”, “Festive”, “Cocktail Chic” or etc. it can throw us for a loop. Where should one begin to figure out what any of these types of dress codes mean?
Holiday Eating
Thanksgiving and the December holidays are upon us. This is no time for regrets for eating too much turkey–there is much work to be done before the holiday parties are in full swing. Forgive yourself for eating all of that stuffing and mashed potatoes. Forget about the extra piece of pumpkin pie and chocolate meringues that seemed to disappear into your mouth. There is nothing that we can do about Thanksgiving, but today is a new day. It is the perfect opportunity to commit to a new set of goals for ourselves.