Can women over 50 wear jeans to a cocktail party?

Can women over 50 wear jeans to a cocktail party?Women over 50 who are in good shape can definitely look awesome in jeans at a cocktail party. Of course it depends on where the cocktail party is being held. A swanky hotel cocktail party will call for a dressier outfit than a party held at a restaurant or in a friend's home. When styling jeans for a more informal cocktail party wear a style that flatters your figure type and be sure that they fit you perfectly. Velvet, leather or dark denim jeans are dressy and appropriate for a cocktail party. A top or a jacket/ blazer in a luxurious fabric and /or tasteful jewelry would be great with dark denim jeans. Trendy heels or stylish ankle shoes will lift your outfit Avoid light blue denim; dark color jeans are more flattering on older women.

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Jeans Add Style for Older Diva’s

Older divas are up-to-date women (over 50) who have personal style and a confident attitude. If you don’t have a pair of jeans or are afraid to wear them, it isn’t too late. Jeans continue to be a mainstay in a modern gal’s wardrobe. Depending on how and when they are worn, jeans can be stylish on older divas.

Are jeans appropriate to wear for Thanksgiving dinner?
Jeans are wardrobe staples today and with the proper styling they can look très chic. Jeans come in a number of fabrics, colors and different styles, slim, straight, boot cut etc. If you wear pants/ jeans that fit properly and look flattering on your body type they are jeans appropriate to wear on Thanksgiving. For example velvet jeans are more dressy than denim jeans. Or denim jeans with a lace or velvet top will ramp up your outfits look. A velvet bomber jacket would look modern with denim jeans and a white blouse with a piece of statement jewelry. Interesting accessories and / or jewelry can give you a very stylish look. If you have never met your boyfriend’s family it is best to error on being more conservative and showing good taste in your clothes. Good taste means do not wear clothes that are too tight, too short or too low-cut. Tip: Distressed jeans are not jeans appropriate.