How to brighten up a winter wardrobe?

Brighten up your winter wardrobe with color. Color is a way to communicate and is very powerful, energizing and can change your moods. Learn the meanings of what different colors mean if you want to communicate with colorful clothing.
For example wearing red, orange and yellow are warm colors and can communicate feelings of warmth and comfort. In general these colors look great on women with warm skin tones. When choosing the colors you wear be sure they flatter your sin tone color.
Shades of blue, purple, and green are considered cool colors and look great on cool skin tone women. Contentment, calm and relaxed feelings are associated with cool colors.

First impressions count. If you want to be remembered wear something colorful. If you want to blend in a crowd wear neutral colors. If you want to look powerful go for black.
Winter is a great time to wear more colors and brighten up your LOOK!
Ways to Combine Colors in Clothes
Combine colors in clothes to create a signature look and update your wardrobe. Color this season is like fireworks, the bolder the better. Mixing a number of colors together not matching colors is one way to look chic this season. Color brightens your mood and vibrant colors or a mix of colors gives you a youthful and energetic look.
Essential Fashion Building Blocks
A smart wardrobe consists of essential fashion building blocks and they can vary. Our lives are always changing. One size does not fit all! A teenager moves on to higher education, then to working or raising a family. Some women go to school and work and some mothers work while raising their families and then go into retirement years. So our lives change and our wardrobes vary depending on our lifestyles, age and where we live..
Power Dresses
Power dresses say feminine power and confidence in or out of the work place. They are another option besides the power suit for career women. These dresses are tailored, simple in design and should fit you well. Bold color power dresses send an energetic and youthful message.