Guatemalan Women
Guaemalan Women, Mayan Fashion
Guatemalan women are known for their colorful, patterend, hand woven textiles. If you live in Guatemala you probably can tell what Myan tribe someone is from by what they are wearing. Each tribe has different color combinations and / or styles of clothing that distinguishes them.
“Guatemalan women have hand-woven their clothing for centuries and pass along the tradition through the years. They start with raw wool or cotton that they wash, comb and spin. Then they stretch the threads along a warping board and attach it to the loom. The designs are created by weaving colored yarns into the cloth as it is being woven. The process is called brocade, which is different than embroidery where the colored threads are stitched into the completed garment… ” Guatemalan Huipils
On a recent trip to Guatemala we learned that there are 21 Mayan Tribes and they all speak different languages. Below are photos taken in the cities of Chichicastenango and Antigua. See the wonderful combinations of colors, prints, florals and stripes.