Fashion On the Other Side?

Fashion On the Other Side?Fashion On the Other Side?

Every world event has changed women’s fashion. What’s next? Well the Covid-19 virus is sure to influence fashion but it might be too early to know the many ways it will. We are slowly moving to a new normal and fashion will be different after this virus. On the other side a variety of masks will be added to our accessories for sure. We will be shopping our closets more (a good thing). Conspicuous consumption will not be politically correct while many people continue suffering around the world.

After WWI women wanted more economic, political and sexual freedom and fashion became more revealing during the 1920’s. Shorter length dresses and lower necklines became more popular. Women wore high heel shoes and got rid of their corsets in favor of bras and lingerie. Cosmetics and shorter hairstyles were the rage.
Fashion On the Other Side?
During the depression women repaired, reused, made do and they did not waste anything. Similar to what environmentalists are urging us to do today to save the planet!
After World War II the silhouette changed from masculine style during the military time to a more feminine look. Clothes had more color and were made with elegant fabrics.
Fashion On the Other Side?
Since it will take a long time for our social lives to recover, we don’t need new clothing and fashions until we have places and events to go to again.

Here are tips for shopping your closet and dress better in 2020!!