Essential Fashion Building Blocks

Smart Wardrobe
A smart wardrobe consists of essential fashion building blocks and they can vary. Our lives are always changing. One size does not fit all! A teenager moves on to higher education, then to working or raising a family. Some women go to school and work and some mothers work while raising their families and then go into retirement years. So our lives change and our wardrobes vary depending on our lifestyles, age and where we live.
A teacher, executive, and a park ranger will have different items of clothing in their wardrobes. However a smart wardrobe consists of timeless basic clothing pieces that you can wear over and over again. Naturally they should be the best quality you can afford so they last over time. The styles should flatter your figure type and fit you perfectly. A tailor can be your best friend.
Your essential fashion wardrobe should be built around one basic color for the main pieces such as pants, skirts, dresses and coats. Navy, black or brown are the most popular basic colors. You can add other pieces in colors or prints such as tops and accessories that coordinate with your basic color. Try a variety of colors next to your face to see what colors light you up. Color gives you a youthful and energetic appearance and should be included in every females wardrobe.
When possible, look for clothing pieces that are easy to care for. Washable clothing is more practical than clothing that needs to go to the cleaners. Many designers are using new fabrics with hi-tech qualities and stretch that look good if cared for as required. A basic pencil skirt or pants that are washable that you can press will save you a lot of money. Granted some clothing looks better when professionally dry cleaned. Let common sense prevail. You will know when something washable will look better if it is dry cleaned.
If you live in some areas of the country or the world you can buy clothing that can be worn two or three seasons of the year. Layering allows you to add-on to be comfortable in cool weather or remove items when the weather is warm.
Vary your outfits with accessories such as beautiful scarves, interesting jewelry and add a hat for personal style. A smart wardrobe will make it easier to dress for any occasion, save you money in the long run and insures that you look good when you go out the door.
Rome wasn’t built-in a day and neither is a smart wardrobe. Make a clothing budget, a basic wardrobe plan, list needed items before you go shopping and watch for sales.
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