What color shoes should I wear with a black dress to a Derby party? The dress has big pink and green flowers on it.

What color shoes should I wear with a black dress to a Derby party?A Derby party sounds like a lot of fun! Since your dress has a black background you can wear black or silver shoes with your print dress to the Derby party. If you wear silver shoes carry a silver handbag to pull your outfit together. You can wear black beaded or black sequin bag or a pink or green colored purse with black shoes. Your black  print  dress will stand out and you’ll look great at the Derby party!

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Fashion Q & A

Footwear Basics
Shoes can make or break an ensemble. In addition to choosing the right style and fit, caring for your feet and your budget are also essential considerations. Shoes are an investment therefore buy the best you can afford.

A Girl and Her Heels
I hate wearing flats.  There I said that too! (I do recognize that there are times when heels are inappropriate….like when I was in India and wore flip-flops and sandals for 5 weeks!).

10 Tips For Getting A Proper Shoe Fit
The size of your feet changes as you grow older so always have your feet measured before buying shoes. The best time to measure your feet for the best shoe fitting is at the end of the day when your feet are largest.