Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss is a valid concern of many of today’s salon clients, and it isn’t just among those exhibiting the typical male pattern balding. Many women have also been experiencing a loss of hair due to issues such as stress, medications, and hormone changes from pregnancy. So many times I have had a client in my chair who 4-6 months after giving birth has expressed concern about what looks like hair breakage (short hair at the hairline and at the parting) but is actually the new growth coming back.
Millions of people experience loss of hair, and treatment can help many people regrow their hair. The key to effective treatment is to get an accurate diagnosis, i.e. find out what is causing the loss of hair
. Dermatologists have expertise in finding the cause of hair loss. You can find a dermatologist in your area by using Find a dermatologist.
8 Common Reasons for Hair Loss in women:
Poor nutrition
Medical treatments
Hormonal changes
Hair treatments
Scalp infection
Trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
*Always consult your Doctor before taking any new supplements.
Hair Loss Center @ WebMD
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Hair Care Basics
Hair care basics begin by using gentle shampoos and conditioning your hair regularly. Always follow product instructions for use. Be sure to get your hair soaking wet before applying shampoo. If your hair is dry don’t shampoo too often. Rinse thoroughly.
What is a flattering hair length for women over 40?
So many of my clients have posed the question “What is a flattering hair length for women over 40?” My answer is that it is relative to the individual’s face shape, body proportions and individual style. Really, the same rules apply at any age, the difference being that what worked at 30 may or may not work at 50 or 60, depending on how much these things have changed.
Flattering Hair Lengths for Every Age
So many of my clients have posed the question “What is a flattering hair length for women over 40?” My answer is that it is relative to the individual’s face shape, body proportions and individual style. Really, the same rules apply at any age, the difference being that what worked at 30 may or may not work at 50 or 60, depending on how much these things have changed.

Sara Beth Cuadra
Guest Writer