How can I keep the collar up on a blouse for a chic look?

How can I keep the collar up on a blouse for a chic look? I love the look of a blouse with the collar up but I can never get my collar to stay up, either one side flops or they both do.
Some collars stay up better than others. Stiffer fabrics like cotton will hold their shape better than soft fabrics. Try using starch when you launder your blouse or starch the collar when ironing* and see if that works. Even when one side of the collar flops down you get a stylish look. You might have to adjust the collar once in awhile to keep both sides up.
A blouse with or without a collar is a great investment. Blouses can be dressed up or down and look great. A blouse with the collar up is tres` chic. It is a terrific look!
*Lay the collar flat on your ironing board. Spray the top of the yoke and collar with spray starch and press. Flip and repeat. Then cool and hang up with color the up.

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