Can I wear a black bra with a sheer white blouse?

Can I wear a black bra with a sheer white blouse? I purchased a see-through white blouse in Paris.
Sheer, see-through or transparent clothing is very hot. Wearing a black bra with a sheer white color fabric is a very trendy look and is very sexy and chic. Always consider how something looks on you with a mirror test before you decide to wear it. A lot depends on your shape, your age and how the total outfit looks on you.
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Dress Like the French – Wardrobe Check List
To dress like the French you need clothing in simple, timeless styles, in neutral or pastel colors that flatter your skin tone. French women avoid patterns and focus on clean lines. They avoid the girly, frilly look and dress age appropriately. To dress like the French requires planning ahead and paying attention to details plus knowing what looks good on you. The French chic know that wearing the right size clothing that fits well and is comfortable is very important. You really don’t have to suffer at all to dress like the French!
The Secret to French Chic
The secret to French chic has to do with an attitude as much as style and good taste. French women create their own look or fashion. They are not slaves chasing the latest fashion trends. They like clean lines, streamlined silhouettes and something unexpected when they put an outfit together. If only there was a secret formula on how to achieve French chic or style. In general there are a few basics to help you discover the secret to French Chic or style. Of course practice makes perfect!
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Cropped Tops
Cropped tops or the peek-a-boo look are hot trends emerging this season. Believe it or not cropped tops can be flattering on many ages as long as they don’t reveal too much skin. Less skin showing is more elegant, subtle and sophisticated. The hottest style is a boxy, square shouldered style cropped top worn with high wasited pants or slim skirts. Looks tres` chic worn with a pencil skirt.
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We have a tradition in our family. We go to a movie every day during the holiday season from December 25th right through to New Year’s Day. It’s a fun tradition that I always look forward to. One of my favorite movies was “Up in the Air.” George Clooney plays the main character, an executive, who travels around the country to fire people. He has no life to speak of. He carries all he needs in one wheel-away suitcase.