What is a “Brazilian” waxing?
Take it All Off
A Brazilian waxing is the removal of all hair in the pelvic area. Single or not, a “Brazilian” waxing makes us feel cleaner and well, sexier. It’s customary now to take it all off. And no, your grown self isn’t going to look like a pre-teen without any hair, so don’t worry. So wax on!
Whether you’ve never had a Brazilian waxing before, or you’ve let yourself go and want to start preparing for bikini season now, here are some great tips on how to survive your first or next Brazilian wax:
Let your hair grow. Long hairs will make the wax more painful since firm application of the wax is crucial. Trimming is usually done but only helps so much. If you’ve shaved recently let your hair grow for about 3 weeks, so the hairs are 1/4 to 1/2 an inch long. It will help make it less painful.
Hairs grow in cycles, so even if some are definitely long enough, some may still be too short for the wax. If that’s the case and you’re in desperate need of a wax, wax anyway. The remaining hairs can be tweezed. However, tweezing, hurts more than the wax! Not all estheticians are against shaving. The shaved hairs will grow back long enough by the time your waxed hairs come through, so it will not affect your next wax, as long as you shave right after your wax
Exfoliate. Scrub the day before your wax to get rid of all the dead skin. This will help the wax grip better to shorter hairs and give you a cleaner, smoother wax. You can also apply PFB Vanish* roll on.
Wax after your period. Your pain threshold is greater the week AFTER your menstrual cycle than in the week before you get your monthly gift from Mother Nature. Don’t be shy about letting your esthetician know when it hurts. She is a professional, and has been there many times, so just relax and breathe, it’ll be over sooner than you think. If you have ANY questions or concerns, never hesitate to speak up!
Medicate. You can take a pain reliever (ibuprofen or any other) at least half an hour or hour before waxing. It won’t numb the pain but it will make a difference. You can try numbing creams, but they usually don’t make that much difference, it really depends on the individual. Honestly, it does hurt, but only for the 3 seconds after the wax is pulled, that’s it!
Breathe. Holding your breath will not help. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This helps with the pain and anticipation of getting waxed. You can even try turning your head and coughing, helps too, believe it or not.
Prevent. PFB Vanish, a gel formula that prevents ingrown hairs, breakouts, and inflammation after every wax can help. If you’re prone to ingrowns or if it’s your first Brazilian, you can get a roll on to start using after your wax, and even before your next one to exfoliate.
Book. Schedule your next appointment. We all have busy schedules and never know what we’re doing next month, let alone the next day, but it’s better that you have something to look forward to in the next 4-5 weeks. If it’s your first time, it’s hard to imagine going through it again, but the first time is always the worst (and never as bad as you think), each time after gets easier and easier.
* “PFB VANISH is a unique, cosmetically elegant roll-on gel formulated to aid in the relief of ingrown hairs and razor burn/bumps resulting from shaving, waxing, electrolysis and laser hair removal….”

Celia Anaya
Guest Writer
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