Is it acceptable to wear bold colors together?

Bold colors are spirit lifters and very energizing. Colors convey youthfulness, lightness and fun. Today It is acceptable to wear many different colors at the same time (including bold colors together). Experiment with different color combinations and try mixing colors that don’t complement each other. The Internet can be credited with the trend for more colored clothing being accepted around the world. Bright and bold colors are more photogenic than dark colors and colored apparel has been favored on the Internet for this reason.
Read more tips:
How To Wear Color and Look Great
If you have a good figure, you don’t need to be afraid of wearing a bright color dress, skirt or slacks in sunny yellow, hot pink, emerald green, etc. However, in general large women should use bright colors sparingly.
Finding A Color That is Right For You
While there are many theories for how to determine the best colors to wear, many of them suggest you meet with an image professional for a color and skin tone analysis, not to mention an in-depth review of your current wardrobe. Most do NOT tell you that choosing clothing is an intuitive process. You are drawn to clothing pieces that relate to you and are often meant for you. Following, are two guidelines to get you on the right track.
What Message Are You Sending By The Colors You Wear?
Believe it or not what colors you are wearing can describe how you are feeling and what type of person you are. If you are wearing red or yellow you will be noticed fairly quickly. These colors are good “attention getters.” You are probably an outgoing, confident, and warm person with high self-esteem.
Questions & Answers about color.