Do you think sequins are office appropriate?

Do you think sequins are office appropriate?

Sequins to work is definitely pushing the envelope in most offices. My feeling is that sequins look out of place in most offices. Too much sparkle is very distracting and is not appropriate in the work place. Sequins are over the top glam and are more appropriate for dress up occasions.

However that being said if you are in the fashion biz such as working for a fashion magazine or fashion company you can get away with wearing something with sequins to the office. For example a sequin skirt and tee shirt topped with a tailored blazer might work in this business environment. A creative company such as an ad agency or very casual techie company is another place you might get away with something with sequins.

Work places are more casual today so if you have a lot of confidence, want to be noticed, wearing something with sequins might be okay.

Do you think sequins are office appropriate?Do you think sequins are office appropriate?Do you think sequins are office appropriate?

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10 Tips for Wearing Sparkles and Metallic
Sparkles and metallic clothing scream glam! Nothing says party time like glitter.

Power Work Clothes
Tailored style clothing that flatters your figure type is the way to go. Solid colors that look good with your skintone and prints are good as long as the styles you wear are simple. For example Marissa Meyer, CEO, of Yahoo has been seen wearing simple print dresses that fall around her knees. Take cues from successful women in positions of power and your work environment. A colorful or print blouse worn with a tailored suit also looks great.